Opposing Eris ~ 10 October 2011

Who dares to oppose the goddess of discord, Eris?

In four days the Sun, the largest, most gravitationally significant (mathematically maybe the Moon, but let’s not get distracted) and certainly brightest object in the solar system does.

Soon thereafter Saturn, the rule making, structure-seeking, discipline-demanding planet does. Saturn moves into opposition with Eris on October 26th, initiating a cycle that concludes next June as Saturn stations, going direct, with five minutes of an arc from the exact opposition once again. It should be noted that Saturn does not make an exact angle next June, though technically conjunct. It’s very, very close and close enough to make it work. Due to the Saturn’s slow movement at the station, the pattern is in effect for a couple of weeks to ensure that any conduits of consciousness that might lag behind have ample time to catch up.

Eris seems to be proud of her isolated self. While she allegedly resents the exclusion by important societal figures and socially significant galas, she thrives in her misanthropic, iconoclastic state. It seems her modus operandi is one of enjoying the chaos and disruption she creates by being the feared outsider - feared in the sense that when Eris shows at the party, it gets crazy, disrupted and potentially volatile. Matters based in greed, vanity and status addictions stand in her carefully targeted cross hairs.

Saturn on the other hand promotes the concept that if one seeks to invoke great change one should become part of the system and promote change from within. Timing is everything for Saturn. Mounting a campaign to install broad, sweeping changes, needs to align with the signs of the times, the ability of people to comprehend the change, and a benefit for the good of all must be part of the change. Saturn’s bottom line is one of increasing efficiency and more important, enhancing quality.

Observing this from her chosen distance, Eris smiles from the side of her mouth and wishes, “Good luck with that,” and under her breath and out the other side of her mouth mutters, “screw that.”

It’s a good thing the Sun arrives at the opposition to Eris before Saturn. At least light can be shed on the real issues. Clarity, focus and a weighted importance can be place upon the concerns of consciousness, both personally and collectively.

Surely these upcoming oppositions to Eris spin some personal manifestation agendas for everyone seeking better alignment in life. Surely, indeed. Here are some suggestions for points to ponder during these next weeks:

Where do you feel you stand in life? Do you fit in or are you an outsider relative to the sphere of influence you seek to create? If an outsider wanting in, what do you intend to do about it in a constructive manner that works to support your highest objectives?

Are you addicted to social networking, status, or cosmetic presentation? Sure, taking care of one’s appearance can be a sign of self-respect and support of the soul, but how many gemstones of propitiation does one need? And having 10K followers on a social network does not make you an altruistic Aquarian unless you already were one.

Are you overly concerned with success, abundance and does economic attention make you smell like plutocratic (it’s sort of a moldy, rotting scent report the centaurs who naturally possess highly-refined olfactory sensibilities)? Is a house a place to live, or are the eight houses in your portfolio holding you underwater (a wet version of Pluto’s underworld) with one faint breath of hope for unlimited wealth remaining?

Are you the center of the sphere of influence your consciousness intends to create? What is that influence? Is it filled with the greatest your intellect, talent and consciousness can bear?

Are you comfortable in your own skin?

Do you believe in the merit of your dharma?

Do you know how to invoke change without creating a maelstrom of chaos that opposes the agenda you carry?

Can you balance being an insider with full inclusion without being wooed by the shadow of reveling in being a disenchanted grumbler?

Can you constructively and strategically approach situations in your life that require complete disassembly in the interest of refurbishment?

Do you like your views, attitudes and position regarding society and money?

Yes indeed, it’s Saturn to Eris time and finding your personal dot on the bell curve of human consciousness is the drill. Says Saturn, who appears swift compared to the distant planet, Eris, “Be quick, but do not hurry.” And perhaps one should add, “It’s not about revolution... it’s about evolution.” Indeed. In order to create disruption, it might be a good idea to have solutions to present as alternatives, instead of just rattling chains.

Here’s to an amazing set of realizations of life desires that allow each and every person to find a comfortable, growth stimulating position in life that looks forward to personal dharmic enhancement.